The big draw in Tanzania is undoubtedly Serengeti National Park. Covering a vast 14,700 square kilometers, “Serengeti” means “endless plains.” And while at times they do seem endless, the varied and abundant wildlife that inhabit them are also endlessly fascinating. It is no coincidence that so many Nat Geo and BBC specials have been filmed here.
Serengeti National Park in Tanzania abuts the Masai Mara National Park in Kenya, and together they share one of the last great natural wonders of the world, the Great Migration. The migration occurs when vast herds of wildebeest and zebras follow the green grass brought forth by the rains. We had hoped to see some of the migration when we were in the Masai Mara in September (usually that is when they cross over from Tanzania, as it is the start of the dry season in the Serengeti and there is always water available in the Masai Mara), but they hadn’t yet begun to move when we were there, and by the time we made it to the Serengeti, they had left.
We still saw loads of zebra and wildebeest, but it was more on the order of hundreds, as opposed to thousands. There was still plenty to see, even before we got into the park. I am not immune to the charms of a casual roadside zebra sighting, or a giraffe placidly grazing on an acacia tree as we rumble by.
We also saw lions. Lions, lions and more lions. Snoozing, napping, sleeping, lazing lions. Literally piles of lions.
As we arrived at our campsite and started to set up, we did experience a mini migration. Dozens of mongooses evacuated the field, heading out to hunt in quieter pastures.
My favorite sighting, though, was the first big find of our morning drive on our way out of the park - a lone cheetah, perched on an termite mound.
If you go: It is fairly easy to combine a visit to Masai Mara with a visit to Serengeti, though you should check the visa requirements and costs for both Kenya and Tanzania. While many try to time their visit to catch the Great Migration, there is an abundance of wildlife no matter the season. I’m always in favor of trying to stay in the park if at all possible - it lets you maximize the early morning and early evening game viewing hours.